Tuesday, January 22, 2008


Finished up overdubs for BFS this weekend but not much else. I needed a couple of days to refresh what I'm doing with MP and this was the ticket. Just some very sparse electric piano or synth that is mixed a bit in the background to add the sound atmosphere. Maybe he'll find a use for them.

A bit of good news last night regarding my next CD, which I will make public soon. It will happen very quickly; fine with me as the music was all done and the label always does quality work. I have to approach some descriptions of the music, which is never my strong suit, talking about my own stuff. An irony since I do a lot of writing for my job.

Debating whether to get the new version of Logic Express. Garageband is adequate for what I need as a simple recorder and host for some good softsynths (Remedy and Crystal) but it has its limitations.

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