Monday, January 14, 2008


The predicted snowstorm was a bust here in southern CT. When I went to bed it was a mix of snow and rain. I woke up in the middle of the night and the snow was coming down hard, but by the time I woke up it had stopped and the roads were clear.

Started in earnest on the new project this weekend. I have a bunch of great softsynths loaded that I never use, so using Garageband as the host I started some composing and ended up with one track that almost complete. I even recorded some Micron, besides using it as a controller, over the top as I had spent a couple of hours making sure everything of the MIDI persuasion would work with Leopard. Although Garageband is fairly limited, you can't export MIDI(!), it's still adequate for what I need to do now. And the sound is pretty good on the high quality settings.

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